Luohu's Yulong opens for global designers
Shenzhen welcomes urban development and architecture design agencies from around the world to take part in the development of the Yulong area of Luohu, according to a document the municipal government released on May 8.
Yulong is located in the Qingshuihe zone of Luohu, which covers an area of 3.5 square kilometers. Qingshuihe, a former warehouse zone, is earmarked by Luohu as a site for emerging industries, headquartered economies, and service sectors.
The International Consultation on Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Yulong Area in Luohu District, Shenzhen is about to be launched,and pre-registration intention registrationis now open for outstanding designinstitutions around the world, and theofficial announcement will be releasedsoon. The International Consultationaims at gathering global wisdom andadvanced ideas,so as to collect creativeand excellent design schemes for thefuture development of Yulong areain Luohu District, Shenzhen.
Under the background of vigorouslydeveloping the "20+8" strategic emergingindustries and future industrial clustersin the city, Qingshuihe HeadquartersNew Town is becoming the core carryingspace for leading industrial transformation,upgrading, and innovative developmentin Luohu District, committed to settinga benchmark in regional coordination,economic transformation,industrial innovation,improving people's livelihoods,ecological civilization,and other aspects.
Currently, Shenzhen is building a"waste free city" benchmark citywith leading demonstration standards.Yulong Area is located in the west ofQingshuihe Headquarters New Town,surrounded by Yinhu Mountain on threesides. Yulong Landfill on the north sideis implementing environmental remediation,and will be integrated with the developmentreserve on the south side in the future,becoming the core expansion anddevelopment zone of QingshuiheHeadquarters New Town, linking thesurrounding areas to focus on"scientific research and development,headquarters economy,innovative application",and creating a high-quality headquartersenterprise park integrating production,life and ecology.
In order to implement the workrequirements of the city government,the People's Government ofLuohu District, together with theBureau of Planning and Natural Resourcesof Shenzhen Municipality, will launchthe International Consultation onConceptual Planning and Urban Designof Yulong Area in Luohu District,guiding the high starting pointplanning, high-quality development,and high standard construction of the Areawith an international perspective,forward-looking thinkingand innovative design.
The scope of international consultationincludes two levels,namely the scope of planning research,the scope of urban design.
The scope of planning research extends toYinhu Mountain in the west, Honggang Parkin the south, Honggang Road to Linping1st Road in the north, and GuangshenRailway in the east, covering an area ofapproximately 2.8 square kilometers.
The scope of urban design extendsto Yinhu Mountain in the west,Huancang South Road in the south,Youqi Road in the north,and Qingshuihe Third Road in the east,covering an area of approximately44 hectares.With an international perspective,we will deeply study the characteristicsand trends of the headquarters areaconstruction oriented by the ecologicalenvironment, refine the planning conceptof the innovation park for emergingindustries in the future,link the main urban area of QingshuiheHeadquarters New Town,create a unique and attractive paradigmof headquarters, and assist in theinnovation and transformation of Luohu.
Establish a futuristic, orderly,and resilient overall spatial framework,propose a futuristic and feasible spatialdevelopment blueprint, and provideoperable urban system solutions.
1. This international consultation adoptsthe method of global public registrationwithout qualification requirements.
2. Any team familiar with China’s nationalconditions and similar design experiencewill be given priority about thefollowing aspects:
a) Having research ability and experiencein solving complex urban traffic problems;
b) Experience in urban design orarchitectural design for comprehensivedevelopment of urbaninfrastructure overlay;
c) Experience in solving mountainenvironmental governance, ecologicalrestoration, and public space design;
d) Having experience in planning anddesigning advanced industrial parks.
3. The consortium is allowed to participatein the competition and the number ofmembers of the consortium shall notexceed three.
4.If a consortium participatesin the competition, its members shall notform a consortium with other participatingunits alone or in other names toparticipate in theapplication.Each member of the consortiumshall sign the Consortium Agreementwith legal effect and clarify the lead unitand the division of work of all parties.
5. The personnel participatingin this consulting activity should beregistered personnel of the designagency, and the chief planning designermust be the person in charge of multiplesimilar planning and design projects,and must directly participate in the entireprocess of this international consulting.To ensure an accurate understanding ofthe background and relevant requirementsof this international consultation, at leastone member of the project staff should befluent in Chinese.
6. Individuals and individual combinationsare not accepted in registration.The international consultation isdivided into three working stages:"registration and prequalification","scheme design" and"achievement review".
Registration and prequalification stage:The sponsor shall establisha pre-qualificationcommitteeaccording to law,comprehensively consider the company’screditworthiness, relevant performanceof the company, team strength, etc.,and select 6 shortlisted units inpre-qualification stage(without ranking) and 2 candidate units(with ranking) to enter the schemedesign stage.
Scheme design stage:the six shortlisted institutions completethe scheme design according to therequirements of the internationalconsultation assignmentand submit the complete achievementsto the sponsor.
Achievement review stage:the sponsor shall establish a scheme reviewcommittee to review and rank the schemes,and the corresponding unit will receivethe corresponding bonus.
The official announcement of thisinternational consultation will bereleased soon. Interested teamsare welcome to pre-register.
Please scan the QR code below to fill inthe pre-registration information
Host:People's Government ofLuohu District, Shenzhen;
Bureau of Planning and Natural Resourcesof Shenzhen Municipality
Organizer:Qingshuihe New TownConstruction headquarters
Contact Information:Mr. Li: 0755-25999469,15361685293Mrs. Li: 0755-25999469,18675597132
The pre-registration form does notserve as a formal registration submissionor a basis for formal registration.
All the contents involvedin the pre-announcement of theInternational Consultation will besubject to the official announcement.